The market is a rain or shine event that continues until Mid-October.
Author: Paul Stukel
Welcome to our latest edition of Fox Valley Magazine’s 4 FOR THE WEEKEND where we’ve decided to binge-watch the original Star Trek series and we’re not ashamed. At all. So let’s get to it, starting with….. It’s Dad’s Day Weekend! And what could more “Dad’s Day” than fishing? To be honest, we have no idea if the fishing is any good at Clark Island Park. But is that really the point? We think it’d be pretty cool to sit with your son or daughter on a sunny Saturday morning just communing with the croppies and soaking up quality time. But…
How about this as a great Dad’s Day present? Take him along to enjoy a leisurely stroll on Jackson, along the Riverwalk and enjoy the looks of up to 100 Classic Cars in all makes and models. Cars will be on display on Jackson Avenue, along the Riverwalk, between Eagle and Main Streets. Come stroll and enjoy seeing beautiful cars from yesteryear! Invitation only for cars due to limited space. ONLY PRE-Registered Cars will be accepted day of the Car Show (Registrations are now closed). Thank you! Show is from 9am – Noon, Saturday, June 19.
It’s a nostalgic weekend at Club Arcada, with two bands that will take you back to the 50s, 60s and 70s. Rick Lindy and The Wild Ones Friday evening, 8:30pm Rick Lindy has a voice as big as Texas… Greg Nash plays tasty, prolific guitar licks, Bob Graf as the ‘magic touch’ on the Hofner bass and Al Wagner never misses a beat on the drums and Gary “Sonic” Bloom tickles the ivories on the Piano in a style that Jerry Lee Lewis would approve of! This line up offers high energy that captivates audiences of all ages. Rosie &…
Welcome to our latest edition of Fox Valley Magazine’s 4 FOR THE WEEKEND where…oh hell, who cares, IT’S OVER!!! So let’s get to it, starting with….. FOOD FIGHT!!! OK, it’s not really a food fight. What it is, is, the first inaugural (why do people say that? “First Inaugural?” We mean, that’s a redundancy, isn’t it? Kinda like “past history?” Anyway…) Montgomery Street Eats Festival, a gathering of great food trucks and all the accompanying goodies. (We were gonna say “accoutrements” but that seemed a little pompous. But I guess we just did anyway. Welp.) Click here for more. Yes,…
The City of Elgin will celebrate the Fourth of July a bit differently this year. The traditional Fourth of July Parade will not be held, but alternative activities have been planned to engage the community and promote traditions of the holiday. Those activities include a “What Fourth of July Means to Me” home and business decorating contest as well as a kids bike decorating contest, both occurring July 1-11. A fireworks display at Festival Park will be presented on Sunday, July 4. Unlike previous years’ events, the fireworks display will not have any supporting entertainment or other amenities, as pandemic…
Hey Foodies! The Village of Montgomery is hosting the Inaugural Montgomery Street Eats Festival. Featuring 10+ of the regions best food trucks, live DJ Entertainment, a beer garden and a Vendor Village (featuring local businesses) – it’s fun for the whole family. The festival will be held Saturday, June 12 from 11am to 7pm in Montgomery Park, 301 River Street in Montgomery. Food Truck Lineup Kissed by Fire (BBQ & Pizza) My Funnel (Funnel Cakes & Ice Cream) Cheesie’s (Grilled Cheese Sandwiches) My Mama’s Mini Donuts Bricks on Wheels (Brick Oven Pizza) Happy Lobster Truck (Lobster Rolls) La Humita on…
The Lemon Drop is not a martini. It is, in fact, a crusta.
DNA and genetic genealogy analysis critical in solving the case.