where it’s your money or your wife….we know, you’re thinking.
So let’s get to it, starting with…..

Proud To Be…Well, You Know

We don’t know about you, but we still remember when “Proud To Be An American” first came out. Gave us chills. We just wanted to go out and kick some ass.
It’s a little unfair to perpetually think of that song when one hears the name Lee Greenwood. Lee has had a monster career well beyond that iconic anthem.
So come listen as the Justa Coupla Guys peeps interview Lee ahead of his Friday, May 19 concert at Pfeiffer Hall in Naperville. You’ll be proud you did.
Click here for more.

On A VERY Serious Note….
If you’re anywhere near the Elgin area on Saturday evening, you owe it to yourself to view a piece of truly poignant history.
“Violins Of Hope,” an exhibit/performance involving violins owned and played by Jewish musicians before and during the Holocaust, will be presented at The Hemmens at 7:30 Saturday evening. See, hear and learn about the instruments associated with the most horrific event of the 20th century.
Conducted by Matthew Sheppard, artistic director of the Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra, the concert will include “Theme from Schindler’s List” by John Williams, as well as music by Mahler and Mendelssohn.
Make time in your weekend for this important event.
Click here for more.
Big Band Beatles? Why Not?
One of the amazing things about the Beatles was the extraordinary versatility of the songs they wrote and played.
For instance, Beatles songs have been turned into operas, into show tunes, country and western and heavy metal. I admit I’ve never heard a rap version of a Beatles hit, but I gotta believe it’s out there.
This Saturday, the Saturday Night Series at Baker Community Center Church concludes with a Big Band Beatles performance from the Dean-Dornhauer Jazz Orchestra. Come see what we mean.
Click here for more.
And Finally…
One of the most popular bands located in Chicagoland, 7th Heaven, brings their unique sound to a great Fox Valley venue, the Piazza in Aurora on Saturday.
The Piazza is a venue we honestly don’t highlight enough. It’s a multi-stage (indoor/outdoor) venue that offers an amazing variety of musical acts every week. Check it out. It’s located at 85 Executive Drive in Aurora.
Click here for more.
We’ve given up on predicting the weather. The Weather Channel is always wrong. You’re on your own, folks.
If, for whatever reason, none of our fabulous four events doesn’t pop your cork, we’ll be very insulted. However, all hope is not lost. Simply go to www.foxvalleymagazine.com and check out our A+E and Events sections for other ideas.
Finally, please do us a favor. We would be eternally grateful if you could share this with some of your unsuspecting family, friends and neighbors. We’d also appreciate some love on our Facebook page (see below). Ok, technically it’s a “LIKE,” but don’t be pedantic. Also, that’s actually two favors. We’ll owe you.
Thanks for reading. Until next time…OH! One more thing. If you’re reading this via the website and would like to have this emailed to you bright and early every Friday morning, please SUBSCRIBE!