So let’s get to it, starting with…..

Fling, Baby!
Admit it, when you think “party,” the Jaycees don’t typically spring to mind.
But in this case, they should, because the Naperville Jaycees are putting on their annual end-of-summer bash this weekend and it’ll be a hoot. (Now THAT word makes us think of Jaycees.)
Sponsored in part by your favorite digital magazine (NO! NOT THOSE! FOX VALLEY MAGAZINE, YOU INGRATES!), the Last Fling is a 4-day blowout designed to leave you exhausted until the spring.
And check out our banners while you’re there.
Click here for more.

Bring On The Weird…
It’s weird. It’s wacky. Sometimes it’s provocative and sometimes it’s just downright gross.
But the truth is, there’s nothing quite like the Fringe Festival.
This two-week extravaganza of the bizarre (and not-so-bizarre, really) and creative starts this weekend in Elgin.
As we ponder this event, though, we keep trying to imagine the organizing meetings. We’re thinking a cross between the Marx Brothers and Barnum & Bailey.
Click here for more.
Direct From A 7-11 Near You…
(OK, that’s a little joke referring to the undying rumors that Elvis is still alive. Apparently, it makes sense to a large portion of Elvis fans that, were he actually still with us, there’s nothing more likely than him working at a 7-11, because that’s where he’s always seen. Hey, we report, you decide.)
Rumors notwithstanding, we have it on good authority that the Elvis involved in Saturday’s “Ultimate Elvis Experience” is NOT the actual Elvis.
But then, that’s what they WANT us to believe, right???
Click here for more.
And Finally…
We do love First Fridays in Aurora.
Great venue (downtown Aurora), great community vibe, food, music, art – it’s just a great event.
So head on down and mingle. Who knows, you might see Elvis.
Click here for more.
We’ve given up on predicting the weather. The Weather Channel is always wrong. You’re on your own, folks.
If, for whatever reason, none of our fabulous four events doesn’t pop your cork, we’ll be very insulted. However, all hope is not lost. Simply go to www.foxvalleymagazine.com and check out our A+E and Events sections for other ideas.
Finally, please do us a favor. We would be eternally grateful if you could share this with some of your unsuspecting family, friends and neighbors. We’d also appreciate some love on our Facebook page (see below). Ok, technically it’s a “LIKE,” but don’t be pedantic. Also, that’s actually two favors. We’ll owe you.
Thanks for reading. Until next time…OH! One more thing. If you’re reading this via the website and would like to have this emailed to you bright and early every Friday morning, please SUBSCRIBE!