So let’s get to it, starting with…..

Get Stuffed
We want a stuffed animal, damnit.
No, we DEMAND a stuffed animal.
In the name of social justice!
All our lives, we’ve gone to state fairs, county fairs, municipal fairs. We’ve paid the money to play those stupid games. We’ve tried to knock down those pins with that tricked-up ball. We’ve tried to shoot the right little duckie.
And never, NEVER have we won a bloody stuffed animal.
The therapy costs alone arising from this injustice tempt us to sue.
But you guys go ahead, live your privileged lives with your giant pandas and cutesy teddy bears. We will have our revenge, one day. Just you wait.
Click here for more.

Now That We’ve Got That Out Of The Way…
…it’s time to celebrate Puerto Rico!
It’s been gone for 2 years, so we’re excited to see the 50th Annual Aurora Puerto Rican Heritage Festival return.
If you’ve never been, you really must get out there Sunday. It doesn’t matter if you’re Puerto Rican or from Guam, it’s riotously fun and colorful.
Open 1pm-9pm, Sunday.
Click here for more.
Yes, More Festivals, But…
…believe us when we tell you, you’re gonna miss these when they’re gone.
Come next January, when all the holiday hoopla is over, and the bitter winter wind is piercing you to the bone, you will yearn, YEARN we tell you, for the rich variety of summer festivals we are privileged to experience here in the Fox Valley.
So pipe down and have another ear of corn.
And look, it’s better than farmers markets.
Click here for more.
And Finally…
Ok, we need to admit something here.
We’ve never watched a movie outside with a crowd.
We have done the drive-in thing, in our misspent youth, and we gotta say, it was pretty cool. A little weird, but cool.
So we don’t know if you get the same cool/weird vibe from outdoor movie watching, but we say, “what the hell, give it a try!”
In the immortal words of Bluto, “don’t cost nuttin’.”
Click here for more.
If, for whatever reason, none of our fabulous four events doesn’t pop your cork, we’ll be very insulted. However, all hope is not lost. Simply go to www.foxvalleymagazine.com and check out our A+E and Events sections for other ideas.
Finally, please do us a favor. We would be eternally grateful if you could share this with some of your unsuspecting family, friends and neighbors. We’d also appreciate some love on our Facebook page (see below). Ok, technically it’s a “LIKE,” but don’t be pedantic. Also, that’s actually two favors. We’ll owe you.
Thanks for reading. Until next time…OH! One more thing. If you’re reading this via the website and would like to have this emailed to you bright and early every Friday morning, please SUBSCRIBE!