where we like to work the sax-a-phone.
So let’s get to it, starting with…..

Farewell, Summer

“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
That’s a thought from some guy named Steinbeck, who wrote a few books, apparentl.
Well, Johnny-boy, you can take those wrathful grapes and shove ’em where the sun don’t shine. Because we want it to stay summer forever.
But, alas, it’s just about gone. So grab that last taste at the final Naper Nights concert of the summer this weekend.
Click here for more.

They’re Not Movies, They’re “Films”
And don’t forget it.
An artful way to usher in the fall with a minimum of pumpkin spice is to check out the Elgin Short Film Festival at the Hemmens this Saturday.
There’s a kind of art-house feel to these things, and if that’s the kind of thing you like, you’ll like this kind of thing.
Click here for more.
Continuing Our Walk Through the Stages of Grief…
That’s when you begin to accept that summer is gone and that fall is imminent.
It’s surrender, really.
But there are compensations. Brisk air, football, fuzzy sweaters, football, hay rides, football…you get the picture.
So ease in with Fall Fest on the Fox in North Aurora this Saturday. Everything will be ok.
Click here for more.
And Finally…Pumpkins!!!
When do you know you’ve given in completely to Fall’s embrace?
You guessed it: A Pumpkin Festival.
All things pumpkin, and all things Fall, await you at Windy Acres this Saturday and Sunday.
And if you miss it this weekend, not to worry. The festival will be running 6 days per week until Halloween.
Maybe Fall ain’t so bad after all.
Click here for more.
Your weekly weekend weather apparently hasn’t gotten the news about Fall, because the temperatures are going to be in the upper 80s all three days. And it looks like it’s gonna be dry. But this time of year, anything can happen. Plan accordingly.
If, for whatever reason, none of our fabulous four events doesn’t pop your cork, we’ll be very insulted. However, all hope is not lost. Simply go to www.foxvalleymagazine.com and check out our A+E and Events sections for other ideas.
Finally, please do us a favor. We would be eternally grateful if you could share this with some of your unsuspecting family, friends and neighbors. We’d also appreciate some love on our Facebook page (see below). Ok, technically it’s a “LIKE,” but don’t be pedantic. Also, that’s actually two favors. We’ll owe you.
Thanks for reading. Until next time…OH! One more thing. If you’re reading this via the website and would like to have this emailed to you bright and early every Friday morning, please SUBSCRIBE!