So let’s get to it, starting with…..


We won’t belabor it or get overly solemn.
All we ask is that you spend some time this Saturday remembering that awful day 20 years ago and the people that lost their lives in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
The article below is a run-down of commemoration events in the Fox Valley. We hope you can attend one.
Click here for more.

Festival #1: St. Charles Jazz Weekend
If you can’t find anything interesting to do this weekend, you have no pulse.
Or you’re Joe Biden.
(Ok, that was political. No more of that.)
(But it begged to be said.)
Anyway, there are three outstanding festivals running in the Valley this weekend, and you really should get out to all three.
First up is St. Charles Jazz Weekend, featuring, well, a lot of great jazz. Venues all over the place. It’s can’t miss.
(And, as luck would have it, it’s geographically right between the other two festivals. So we’ve got that going for us.)
Check out our Events page for daily updates.
Click here for more.
Festival #2: Festival of the Vine
Geneva’s venerable Festival of the Vine started out as a celebration of all things that grew on a vine – from pumpkins to, well, whatever else grows on vines.
(Hey, we’re not frickin’ botanists here, ok?)
But who are they kidding? This is about wine. Vino. The nectar of the gods.
But there’s a lot more as well. Check out the special section on our website for daily updates.
Click here for more.
And Finally…Festival #3: Elgin Fringe
It’s wild. It’s wacky. It’s often utterly tasteless.
But it’s fringe, man.
Do yourself a favor and check out the Elgin Fringe Festival at some point this weekend. It’s a slice of life you don’t see everyday out here in the peaceful countryside.
But remember: this is an offense-free zone. If you can’t handle having some of your sacred cows slaughtered, you should keep them away from butcher.
(OK, that was a little weak. But we needed to finish the metaphor and we’re out of time.)
Check out our Events page for daily updates.
Click here for more.
Your weekly weekend weather advisory is looking good. Temperatures are going to be about perfect, maybe a little on the high side Saturday and Sunday, but sunny all three days. But this time of year, anything can happen. Plan accordingly.
If, for whatever reason, none of our fabulous four events doesn’t pop your cork, we’ll be very insulted. However, all hope is not lost. Simply go to www.foxvalleymagazine.com and check out our A+E and Events sections for other ideas.
Finally, please do us a favor. We would be eternally grateful if you could share this with some of your unsuspecting family, friends and neighbors. We’d also appreciate some love on our Facebook page (see below). Ok, technically it’s a “LIKE,” but don’t be pedantic. Also, that’s actually two favors. We’ll owe you.
Thanks for reading. Until next time…OH! One more thing. If you’re reading this via the website and would like to have this emailed to you bright and early every Friday morning, please SUBSCRIBE!