Red Oak Nature Center will host its annual Frosty Fest from 4:30pm – 7:30pm on Saturday, January 25, where participants are encouraged to experience winter after the excitement of the holidays have past.
Two different self-guided trails will keep you busy and your senses engaged. One, a storybook hike where you can read a story with a frosty theme or follow our illuminated snowflake trail before you finish with a hot cup of cocoa and warming up at the campfire to roast a marshmallow or two.
Don’t forget to find Frosty himself and take a photo before he melts away!

Each registered child will take home a frosty surprise. Everyone 3yrs and up must purchase a ticket for entry. This event is best experienced after the sunset.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased here. Red Oaks Nature Center is located at 930 North River Road in North Aurora.