2023 Wood Award Recipient Kristie Dienst has been named Parade Marshal for the 2024 Swedish Days Parade by the Geneva Chamber of Commerce.

According to a press release from the Chamber, Dienst was born and raised in Geneva. She grew up on the East Side above her father’s music school, which is now Country Village Meats. Even during her time at Geneva High School, she was busy, involved in cheerleading, choir, student council, pep club, and was even a hall monitor. She learned from her parents to appreciate all things Geneva and give back to the community that gave her so much during her younger years. Her father, Herb Granquist, started the Granquist Music Festival, in which she, her sister and her mother continued for many years. Kristie is married to Bruce and has two boys.
Over time Dienst has contributed to many organizations such as United Methodist Church of Geneva, Geneva Garden Club and Tri-City Family Services. She is currently co-president of Geneva Beautification, having been a member since 2018, and President of Geneva Community Chest, serving on that board for the last nine years. An organization she holds closest to her heart is Granquist Music Competition, keeping the love of music alive for children.
Jumping in to help anyone in need, lending a hand or an ear, is not uncommon with Dienst. Caring about the well-being of others comes naturally. She takes a personal interest in the people she works with on committees.
Her commitment to her organizations is not in name only. Dienst participates in all events, stays in contact with the charities these organizations further fund and performs many behind-the-scenes duties. Dienst has an untiring and unselfish commitment to anything she does and her love for Geneva and her community.
Swedish Days Festival runs from Wednesday, June 19 to Sunday, June 23. For more information visit https://genevachamber.com/events/swedish-days.