Three actors. One dead guy. All 37 plays in 97 minutes.
Playhouse 38 presents “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)” from March 15-17 in Geneva. An all-female trio performers on meth (ok, they’re not on meth…they just seem to be) fly through all of Shakespeare’s plays in a 97-minute free-for-all that will leave you howling.
“An irreverent, fast-paced romp through the Bard’s plays that is not to be missed!”
Tickets are $15 in advance, $20 day-of. The show is directed by Christopher Corrigan and stars Nicole Borowski, Cynthia Martz, and Nickolena Sellen.
Playhouse 38 is located at 321 Stevens Street, Suite P. Once in the parking lot, access the entrance in the back of the building.