A Naperville man has been sentenced to thirteen years in prison for supplying a fatal dose of fentanyl to an Addison woman.
Courvoisier Thomas, 40, appeared at his sentencing hearing Thursday afternoon in front of Judge Mia McPherson, who handed down the sentence. On September 27, 2023, Thomas entered a plea of guilty to one count of Drug Induced Homicide, a Class X Felony.
On November 17, 2021, officers with the Addison Police Department found an unresponsive woman at a residence on Blecke Avenue in Addison. Officers also found baggies containing a white powdery substance, later identified as a fentanyl/fluorofentanyl mixture.
The victim was transported to Glen Oaks Hospital where she was pronounced deceased.
After an investigation that spanned almost sixteen months, police learned that on November 17, 2021, Thomas went to the victim’s residence and sold the fentanyl/fluorofentanyl mixture to her. After purchasing the narcotics, the victim ingested the fentanyl/fluorofentanyl mixture supplied to her by Thomas, causing her death.
“The loss of a young woman to illegal narcotics is a sad reminder of the heartbreak caused by drug dealers seeking to enrich their lives at the expense of others,” DuPage County State’s Attorney Robert Berlin said. “To successfully rid our streets of illegal narcotics, we must not only continue educating the public about the potentially deadly consequences of drug use, we must also send a message to those who peddle this poison, such as Mr. Thomas, that they will pay a significant price for the death of anyone who dies as a result of ingesting narcotics they supplied. In this case, Mr. Thomas’ price tag is thirteen years behind bars.”
Thomas will be required to serve 75% of his sentence before being eligible for parole. He will receive credit for time already served in the DuPage County Jail from February 8, 2022, through February 22, 2024.