On Saturday, February 17th, Pollyanna Brewing & Distilling in St. Charles will host their “Beer, Charity, and Music” event starting at 7:00pm. The goal of these series of upcoming events is to raise awareness and contributions for local non-profits, with this event collaborating with Random Acts Matter.
Random Acts Matter is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering a community of care and compassion by inspiring and connecting people. Its mission is to create awareness, advocacy, and a culture of random acts of kindness and support. During Pollyanna Brewing & Distilling’s “Beer, Charity, and Music” event, 15% of proceeds from the sales that evening will go towards Random Acts Matter.
The event requires a $10 cover charge at the door with $5 going to Random Acts Matter Patrons attending the event will be able to take part in the celebration with raffles, and further opportunities to donate to Random Acts Matter. Starting at 7:30pm, guests will be able to enjoy live music performed stop.drop.rewind. until 10pm.
Co-Founder, President and CEO of Pollyanna Brewing & Distilling, Ryan Weidner, talks about previous initiatives with non-profit organizations, and about their upcoming “Beer, Charity, and Music” event series. “Coming off of a successful Charity Bike Ride series over the summer where we, together with Sammy’s Bikes, raised over $10,000 for local organizations, we are very excited to launch our Beer, Charity & Music program this winter,” said Weidner. “Along with our partners, Tunes for a Minute, we continue the programing featuring Random Acts Matter in January and have locked in other great local organizations to feature throughout the coming months. There are so many great organizations in the Fox Valley doing great things for people in need and this is our way, albeit small, to assist in their efforts.”
For more details about this event, please view https://facebook.com/pollyannabrewingstcharles. For more information on Pollyanna Brewing & Distilling, please visit https://pollyannabrewing.com/.