On Friday, December 1, the Elgin Symphony Orchestra and Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra will present the Greater Elgin Do-It-Yourself Messiah at the Blizzard Theatre at Elgin Community College.
Elgin resident Mally Miceli came up with the idea for a locally produced Sing-Along Messiah after traveling to Chicago’s Do-It-Yourself Messiah for years. A supporter of the Elgin arts community, Mally realized that the Northwest suburbs have a wealth of musical and vocal talent that could be showcased through a community sing-along.
The evening begins at 6:30 pm with the singing of familiar holiday carols, including a special carol performance by the Second Baptist Church of Elgin Choir.
At 7:00 pm, the performance of Handel’s Messiah begins, which will include selections of pieces from the Messiah played by members of the Elgin Symphony Orchestra, the Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra, along with solos by members of the Midwest Opera Theater and the Second Baptist Church of Elgin Choir.

When it comes time for the choral numbers during the evening, the audience will sing along with a choir formed by members from area churches. Members of the Elgin Master Chorale will be seated with the different vocal ranges to lead those voices. Scores will be handed out at the door, or participants may bring their own copy. All experience levels are welcome to participate. For those who prefer to just listen, the performance is an exciting experience in and of itself.
Tickets are available here.
Price: Adults $7.00, Children 12 & Under FREE
Two choices for seating:
• By voice (your entire party can sit with you whether they sing or not)
• General seating
Please look for the color coding below the seating chart to make your selection.
Ticket buyers can use the code MESSIAH to have processing fees waived, courtesy of the Blizzard Theatre/Elgin Community College.
Proceeds from ticket purchases will go to Habitat for Humanity of Northern Fox Valley.