On Wednesday, the City of St. Charles is launching Phase I Construction of an expansion of the 1st Street Plaza east with a ceremonial groundbreaking.
The ceremony will take place at the grassy area at the southeast corner of Main St. (IL Rt. 64) & 1st St.
St. Charles Mayor Lora Vitek, a champion of the project well before becoming mayor earlier this year, will make a few remarks followed by a ceremonial groundbreaking by members of the St. Charles City Council.
The 1st Street Plaza Expansion Project will create a public plaza from the unimproved site left by the former Manor Restaurant downtown. Phase I Construction is scheduled to begin in October, and completion is expected in the spring of 2022.
Phase I includes:
- Modification of the existing wall—a remnant of the former Manor Restaurant
- Installation of a soldier pile concrete retaining wall to support the plaza expansion
- Grading and drainage work
- Landscape restoration
Ultimately, the project’s intention is to focus on four major design features:
- Paved Plaza – The paved plaza will extend the existing plaza space to further enhance the 1st Street plaza area as a gathering spot in the center of town.
- Solar Pergola – The design currently includes a solar pergola structure that traces three sides of the new paved plaza and offers open views all around. Solar panels on top of the pergola will help power the plaza. The structure, along with accompanying trees, will offer shade.
- Art Piece – St. Charles is full of iconic public art, such as Mr. Eggwards in Mt. St. Mary Park or Ekwabet and Reflections near the Municipal Building, and so much more. The new plaza also will be a showcase for some type of public art installation.
- Closing a Section of 1st Street to Vehicles to Create a Pedestrian Walkway – Currently, the plan includes closing the northern-most section of 1st Street to create a pedestrian walkway, allowing additional space for outdoor tables, open markets, and events. 1st Street will be closed to vehicles from IL Rt. 64/Main St. to the entrance of the 5-story parking deck. This allows 1st Street access to both the 5-story parking deck and the parking structure across the street.

More about the 1st Street Plaza Expansion project is on the City website at www.stcharlesil.gov/projects/1st-street-plaza-expansion.