The Elgin Fringe Festival (EFF) will kick off its ninth year this Friday with the opening of Fringe Central and the visual art component of the festival. The EFF encourages bold artistic experimentation and innovation by providing an inclusive, affordable experience for both artists and audiences alike. The festival will run Friday, September 2 through Sunday, September 11 and includes events that range from free to $12.

Fringe Central, located in the Gallery of Side Street Studio Arts (SSSA), 15 Ziegler Ct. in downtown Elgin, is the hub for the festival, where all tickets and buttons can be purchased, questions answered, and the visual art exhibition can be viewed. This year’s festival features over 50 performances that include comedy, music, theater, magic, and the undefined. Performances take place all over downtown Elgin.
“I am excited for this year,” said EFF Executive Director Erin Rehberg. “For 2022, we converted to lottery selection process from a first come, first served process, in a successful attempt to make the festival more equitable for artists and provide greater variety for audiences. The result has been an exciting number of new performers heading to Elgin from all over the United States, and greater support for returning and local producers.”

From returning favorites like Captain Ambivalent to local mainstays like Elgin Theatre Company to the new Elgin Group artists, spearheaded by Elgin artist Adrian Mesino and supported by the Elgin Cultural Commission and Side Street Studio Arts, the festival not only has something for everyone, but is expanding the type of work being offered. Tickets range from Free to $12, with a limited number of festival passes available for $75. Each attendee must purchase a $3 button, which goes to support the production of the festival, while 100% of ticket and art sales go back to the artists. As per the fringe philosophy, performances are uncurated and uncensored.
Fringe Central and the visual art exhibition will open this Friday, in conjunction with the Downtown Elgin Farmers Market, from 3-7pm. The exhibition features the work of 16 area artists, including 2022 Featured Artist Andrew Vo. Vo designed the 2022 EFF poster and button, which are also featured in the exhibition and available for purchase.

Other events include Family Fringe, which will be held at the Elgin History Museum on Saturday, September 3, from 10am to 1pm. The event is free and open to the public, thanks to the support of Elgin Public House, and will include artmaking, live music, a bounce house, free face painting, and so much more. The annual Preview Party will be held at Martini Room on Wednesday, September 7, and will include previews from this year’s performing artists. And, the festival welcomes the return of the Almost Closing Party Saturday, September 10 at Elgin Public House.
“Tickets and festival passes have already started to sell,” said Rehberg. “We have high hopes for engaged and supportive crowds this year. A number of aritsts are only performing once or twice. So, we encourage folks to pick up a program or visit the website and start to get their fringe plan together. We are looking forward to seeing everyone.”
To learn more about the Elgin Fringe Festival, or how to purchase fringe buttons and tickets, go to Check out the Facebook page: Elgin Fringe Festival.