A Highly Experienced Care Team Designed Around Our Patient’s Conditions
Lead by one of the nation’s most highly respected psychiatrists, Kim Dennis, MD, the multi-disciplinary care team we have created has nearly 100 years of combined experience working at the residential level of care. Many have worked together for nearly 20 years and each brings a unique gift rooted in a deep compassion for improving the lives of the patients we treat.
We Listen to Our Patients- Patient Satisfaction Matters
We believe that there is a direct correlation between our patients experience when in treatment and quality of care. We listen to our patients. We care about their experience. We measure their experience, and we use this data to improve in areas where we can.
We Measure and Publish OUTCOMES
SunCloud Health believes fervently in value based healthcare where value is a function of outcomes that matter to patients per dollar spent, and where quality means alot more than just quantity. Since inception in 2016 we have measured over 20,000 patient reported outcomes. Like the Patient Satisfaction Surveys, we use these outcome measurements internally to identify areas of potential improvement and externally to share with prospective patients and their families who deserve data as they make life or death decisions. The OQ 45.2 Questionnaire is one of tools we measure and the chart below (n=8302) shows patients progress and improvement from admit, through treatment to 365 days post treatment.
Our Integrated Model is Designed to Treat Co-Occurring Diseases
SunCloud Health specializes in treating patients who struggle with complex co-occurring eating disorders, substance use disorders, mood disorders and related trauma. Our approach is integrated and ideal for people who don’t fit nicely in to a “treatment box” at other facilities that may specialize in one diagnosis and not the entire person. Over 60% of our patients admit with co-occurring disorders. We don’t track people based on their “primary”. We treat the whole person.

Who We Are Not
SunCloud Health is not a destination treatment center. Our facility is safe, new, clean, spacious, warm and inviting. However, we do not have swimming pools, horses or an ocean in our backyard. For those looking for destination treatment, ours is not the place to consider. For those looking for high quality care, we may be an option worthy of consideration.
Our Care is Affordable
SCH is in network with most commercial payers including BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, Humana, UBH/Optum, Tricare, Magellan, BHS, Bright Health, Beacon/Value Options and others.
We are Taking Maximum Covid-19 Precautions
Patients are required to be fully vaccinated prior to admission and a negative PCR test is required within 72 hours prior to admission.
Full Continuum of Care
SunCloud provides the full continuum of care for our patients. We offer PHP, IOP and traditional outpatient for people as they “step up” and “step down” to and from Residential Level of Care. We can support people as they need more or less, throughout their recovery journey
SunCloud Health Naperville Outpatient/Residential Treatment Center
280 Shuman Blvd., Suite 190
Naperville, IL 60563
Call: (847) 320-0441
Monday-Sunday: 7am-9pm