It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s….well, it’s a mass migration of birds.
From beloved Chicago weatherman Tom Skilling’s FB page:
“IT’S BIRD MIGRATION SEASON 23 years of bird migration data from National Weather Service Doppler radars across the country serve as the basis of a Colorado State University and Cornell Lab of Ornithology model of BIRD MIGRATION. The modeling looks at predicted nighttime (i.e. “nocturnal”) migratory patterns within 3 hours of local sunset and estimates 533 million birds may be on the move this evening (Sept 8)–and that the Greater Chicago area is to sit within a region of active bird migration.”
533 million birds, and we’re right in the thick of it.
Here’s the map for tonight. The white area is the area of highest bird density.

So turn out the lights three hours after sunset, look up, and (clouds permitting) there might be quite a show.