In what almost seemed like a throwaway line, a recent Kane County Health Department (KCHD) press release seemed to solicit complaints from citizens about businesses that are not fully complying with Governor Pritzker’s mandate requiring full masking in all indoor public places, including private businesses.
In a press release issued today reaffirming its support of the Governor’s mandate, the KCHD included what appeared to provide what amounts to a “tip line” for citizens to report businesses that are not complying.
“Residents concerned about businesses not enforcing the mask mandate should contact
[email protected].”
The release did not make clear what such tips would be used for at KCHD.
Here is the release in it’s entirety.
Kane County Health Department Reminds Businesses and Residents of Mask Mandate
September 8, 2021 – The Kane County Health Department (KCHD) reminds businesses and residents that Executive Order 2021-22 requires all individuals in Illinois who are age two or older and able to medically tolerate a face covering to cover their nose and mouth with a face covering when in an indoor public place. The Executive Order also states the following: “All employers must ensure that employees wear face coverings in indoor workplaces.”
The requirement is applicable to both vaccinated and unvaccinated residents statewide. The Governor issued the mandate, effective August 30, in an effort to slow the spread of the highly transmissible COVID-19 Delta variant.
The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity recently published DCEO answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Executive Order.
KCHD strongly supports the recently updated Illinois Department of Public Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines which recommends [sic] that every person, including fully vaccinated individuals, wear a mask in public indoor settings where community levels are “substantial” or “high.”
Kane County is still in a level of “High” community transmission. CDC reports the rate of transmission from 8/31 to 9/6/21 is 115.33 cases of COVID per 100,000 residents.
Residents concerned about businesses not enforcing the mask mandate should contact [email protected].
For more information about COVID-19, visit the KCHD website at
As indicated in the report, the most recent data indicate a rate of transmission of .1%, which has been declared “high” by the CDC.