A neighbor of Hal Phipps, the Wayne man who shot and killed Ludwig, a Dogo Argentino belonging to fellow Wayne resident Joe Petit, has sworn an affidavit that Phipps told her that he was planning to “shoot and kill” the dogs if they were ever on his property.
Caitlyn Ballard, a friend of Petit’s and who lives on the same street as both men, swore out the affidavit after having received a visit from Mr. Phipps on the evening of June 29 to discuss what Phipps claims was an attack on him by Ludwig earlier that day. Mr. Phipps told Ballard, according to the affidavit, that the Petit dogs had attacked her dogs on that same day.
According the affidavit, Phipps then told Ballard “that he intended to shoot and kill the dogs belonging to Joe Petit if they were ever on his property.”
Ballard informed Phipps that the Petit dogs could not have attacked her dog that day because the dog “was with me the entire day at another property that we own in South Elgin.”
Phipps maintains that he was acting in self-defense and has cooperated fully with the investigation.
Kane County State’s Attorney Jamie Mosser is reviewing the case in cooperation with Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain. Through a statement, she has recently indicated that she understands the public interest in the case, but will be thorough “in the interest of justice.”
No information as to when a decision on charges, if any, will be made is available.

Shallow Hal needs to be prosecuted! Man admitted to shooting the dog, dog was in the water, shallow Hal’s clothes were dry. Obviously, he wasn’t fearing for his life at the time of shooting. Premeditated dog murder case closed!
Hal will see justice.